The Board of Rural Fire Control is in charge of handling Policy and Procedures for all 11 Fire Stations within the County. The board meets at 7:00 p.m., every quarter (starting with January), on the 4th Thursday at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at 540 Wilson Road. Membership shall consist of 11 members; 1 member from each of the following main fire stations. Members of the board shall serve a term of 4 years.


Board Members
Clay BodieWhitmireExpires 06-30-2025
Jason Fulmer, ChairmanLittle MountainExpires 06-30-2025
Paul CromerFairviewExpires 06-30-2025
Wesley BolandPomariaExpires 06-30-2027
Rodney WickerConsolidated #5Expires 06-30-2027
Aubrey Horne, IISt. PhillipsExpires 06-30-2025
Terry RussellChappellsExpires 06-30-2025
Michael ParkerSilverstreetExpires 06-30-2027
Daniel WertsFriendlyExpires 06-30-2027
Keith MinickStation 8 - Bush RiverExpires 06-30-2025
Bert LucasProsperityExpires 06-30-2025


Board of Rural Fire Control
Meeting Title Meeting Date Sort ascending Agenda File
Board of Rural Fire Control Meeting Agenda
Board of Rural Fire Control Meeting Agenda