The Rescue Squad Board is in charge of handling Policy and Procedures for all 7 squads within the County. Membership of the Board shall consist of 2 at large members and 1 member from each of the following rescue squads. The Board meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Emergency Operations Center located at 540 Wilson Road at 7:00 p.m. Members of the board shall serve a term of 4 years.

Board Members

Adam Crouch


Expires 06-30-2025

Chris Johnson, Chair


Expires 06-30-2025

David R. Andrews


Expires 06-30-2025

Corey Bishop


Expires 06-30-2025

Nathaniel Birochak

Little Mountain

Expires 06-30-2025

Lallie Waites 


Expires 06-30-2025



Expires 06-30-2025

Jimmy Dunaway

At-large #1

Expires 06-30-2020

Carold Wicker

At-large #2

Expires 06-30-2020


Board of Rescue Squads
Meeting Title Meeting Date Sort ascending Agenda File Minutes File
Board of Rescue Squads Agenda Minutes
Board of Rescue Squads Agenda Minutes