Lee Foster
550 Wilson Road Newberry, SC 29108

The Newberry County Sheriff's Office provides off duty deputies for events and services that require law enforcement services but are beyond the scope of the services provided to every citizen. Examples would be sporting events, moving a house, construction, or other events where it would be appropriate to have a law enforcement officer but unfair to the tax payer to pay overtime for these special services.

The Newberry County Sheriff's Office charges a fee of $50 per hour per deputy and there is a three (3) hour minimum per officer per event. This money is not paid directly to the officer, but is paid to the county as a reimbursement for the services.

The number of deputies required lies in the sole discretion of the Newberry County Sheriff's Office and the Newberry County Sheriff's Office reserves the right to refuse or deny to provide these services for good cause.

If you have any questions about this process or would like more information, please contact Captain Ben Chapman at bchapman@ncso.sc.gov or call the Newberry County Sheriff's Office at (803) 321-2211.

For a copy of the form to request off duty law enforcement services, click here. You can download the form to your computer and complete it, print it out, sign it, copy it, and send it by email to Captain Chapman at the email address above or you can fax it to (803) 405-7807.