Newberry County, SC
2 weeks 3 days ago
During the March 5, 2025, Newberry County Council Meeting, Newberry County Council recognized Disabilities Awareness Month and proclaimed March 2025 as Disabilities Awareness Month in Newberry County.
The Proclamation reads as follows:
“WHEREAS, many residents and families of Newberry County are impacted by severe lifelong disabilities including autism, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and intellectual and related disabilities; and
“WHEREAS, people with lifelong disabilities are productive citizens, neighbors, and family members, deserving respect and opportunities for economic self-sufficiency, independence, and personal growth; and
“WHEREAS, residents of Newberry County with and without disabilities work together, play together, worship together, learn together, and grow together; and
“WHEREAS, family members, caregivers, and service providers selflessly offer daily care, assistance, supervision, and physical and emotional support to individuals with disabilities to help ensure their full participation in community life; and
“WHEREAS, President Ronald Reagan declared March as National Disabilities Awareness Month in 1987 to provide understanding, encouragement and opportunities that help individuals with disabilities lead productive and fulfilling lives; and
“WHEREAS, the 2025 observance of National Disabilities Awareness Month celebrates 38 years of advocacy for and successes of people with disabilities in education, employment, and community activities.
“NOW, THEREFORE, Newberry County Council does hereby proclaim the month of March 2025 as Disabilities Awareness Month in Newberry County and encourages all residents of Newberry County to work together to promote increased opportunities for people with disabilities, to recognize the many contributions made by people with disabilities in our county, and to honor the dedication of the caregivers who bring support and hope to their fellow citizens.”
Pictured: Chairman Robert “Nick” Shealy presents a copy of the Proclamation to PRIDE President Jeffrey Coward (center) and Crystal Carnes (right) with Newberry County Disabilities and Special Needs Board.
Newberry County, SC
2 weeks 4 days ago
In connection with Severe Weather and Flood Preparedness Week for South Carolina (March 2-8, 2025), there will be a statewide Tornado Drill on Friday, March 7, 2025, (rescheduled from March 5) at 9 a.m.
This is only a drill and is a good opportunity for everyone to practice severe weather/tornado safety actions and procedures.
Participating in the drill is a great way to make sure you will be ready if an actual Tornado Warning is issued!
You can review severe weather safety information at
Newberry County, SC
3 weeks ago
The Newberry County Veteran’s Affairs was proud to recently participate in not one, but two Quit of Valor Ceremonies that honored six of our local veterans.
The first ceremony took place at the Laurens County Museum where Marylyn Cooper, along with Newberry County Veteran’s Affairs, presented quilts to John Hargreaves (U.S. Navy veteran), Clifford Shealy (U.S. Army veteran), Thorton Sims (U.S. Marine Corps veteran), and Gary Hooker (U.S. Air Force veteran).
Then, a few weeks later, another ceremony was held at the Newberry Square where quilts were presented to Kenneth Lane (U.S. Marine Corps veteran) and Robert Spearmen (U.S. Army veteran and recipient of four Purple Hearts).
The Quilts of Valor Foundation began in 2003 and is designed to give veterans and service members a handmade quilt, to honor and comfort veterans to say thank you for their service and sacrifice.
Raleigh Hickman, Veteran’s Affairs Director, said this is a high honor to receive a Quilt of Valor and congratulated the honored veterans and thanked them for their service.